How to uninstall Total Defense from MAC OS.
1. Open the "Finder" app on the dock.
2. Select "Applications" on the left and double click on the "Utilities" folder.
3. Double click on "TotalDefenseUninstaller".
4. Click on "Uninstall" and allow the program time to remove Total Defense from the computer.
If you are unable to uninstall the Total Defense Anti-Virus for MAC using this method, please follow the steps below:
IMPORTANT! If you have a backup disk, we recommend you to make a fresh backup before proceeding further. See more details in this article:
1. Restart your Mac and press Command-R during the restart until you see the Apple logo. In some cases you will be prompted to choose the language. Choose your desired language and click on the arrow at the bottom to continue.
2. The Utilities window will be displayed. Select Disk Utility and then click on Continue
3. Select your startup disk (in the example: Macintosh HD):
• If it’s already mounted, you will see the Unmount option. In this case proceed with step 4.
• If it’s not mounted, click on Mount. You may be prompted for your administrator password to unlock it. Enter the same password you use at Mac login.
4. Click on Disk Utility in the menu bar (next to the Apple logo) and select Quit Disk Utility or simply close the window.
5. In the menu bar click on Utilities and select Terminal.
NOTE: Please make sure you type the commands exactly as you see them in the steps below. Failure to do so may result in data loss.
6. Now, we want to delete the SelfProtect extension. To do that, type in:
rm –rf /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Library/Extensions/SelfProtect.kext
Press return/enter.
7. The SelfProtect extension was removed and we can move to the next step: remove the Total Defense folder. Type in:
rm –rf /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Library/Totaldefense/
Press return/enter.
8. Restart your computer and the Total Defense MAC AV program will no longer be installed on the device.